Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Micro:bit Small-board Computer Launches in U.S. & Canada

The Micro:bit (nee BBC Micro:bit) is now available in the US and Canada. This little device has been in classrooms in the United Kingdom for about a year and a half but is only now become commonly available in the US and Canada. Now at first glance this may not seem like a bit deal. It is a little device that must be connected to a larger computer to program. Seems like an extra step.

Microbit%20render%202%20no%20background But it is a big deal and it is more than just a little device. In a word, the thing that makes the Micro:bit interesting is “Making.”   This little device is easily included in little projects that can really interest students. Just programming the device on its own might get boring quickly. It was for me. But including it in a maker space sort of project is a game changer.

Now you’re asking for resources. The device is programmable in a number of languages and tools from Scratch to Python and JavaScript. There is a 14 week curriculum developed for students by Microsoft. Project Lead the Way also has a curriculum. Both are designed around making things that include the Micro:bit.

The Micro:Bit web site has a bunch of project ideas if you are looking for what others are doing. This could be fun!

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