Wednesday, May 29, 2013

You Never Know Who The Computer Science People Are

Apparently  Justine Bateman, yes Justine Bateman the actress who played superficial Mallory Keaton on Family Ties, has started a new role as a college freshmen at UCLA. Theatre major? Not hardly. With a long successful career she could teach that. No, she is a computer science major.

She’s blogging about her experiences on a Tumblr blog called Get A College Life. A few more F-bombs then I would use but otherwise an interesting read on life as a college student starting at age 47. Good for her for both going for this and for sharing the experience. I wish her all the best.


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Love when this happens, a hidden academic using other skills to provide a cashflow! I blogged about this myself as I believe that people do what they can to survive. So excellent blog. #shafattack HTTP:// Click on my blog Posts!

  2. In present time time a computer expert have huge image in society..............
