Monday, December 08, 2014

Interesting Links 8 December 2014

It’s Computer Science Education week aka CSEdWeek. A lot of links to Hour of Code resources came though my social media stream last week and I thought about listing most of them but decided that it was a bit late for that for most people.

On the other hand both Apple Stores and Microsoft stores are running events this week and those may be useful for people looking for last minute events to recommend.

If you are in the Boston area the Microsoft New England blog lists a number of local events including those at stores and the Museum of Science #CSEdWeek activities - Boston

Fan Letter to Computer Science Teachers: You are the Coding Heroes - With all the hype about an Hour of Code and a single one week event for CS education I think it is important to remember and thank all the teachers who work on this issue all year long with far too little recognition or credit. Know that in the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) you are part of a big family. And we all appreciate each other.

Speaking about the CSTA. We’re looking to do more with teachers before high school. See this post at the CSTA blog. Inviting all “CS in K-8″ Enthusiasts

George Takei: Microsoft's Garage- Eye-Gaze, Skype Translator & Hackathon – an interesting look at a grownup hacker space.

Are you a math teacher teaching CS or a CS teacher teaching Math or a math teacher who would like to make your math more interesting and include a little CS? Checkout Bootstrap. There are two upcoming workshops that I know about.

    Waltham, MA :: February 16th-18th

    We are thrilled to partner with MassCAN and the Massachusetts CSTA, who are sponsoring a 3-day workshop for MA Math and Computer Science teachers! This workshop discuss best practices for math education and programming, and will model the entire curriculum in hands-on activities. Thanks to MassCAN's generous support, this professional development is provided FREE of charge to all MA teachers. Space is limited, and registration is first-come, first-served. Reserve your space today!

    New York City, NY :: February 27th-28th

    We are excited to announce a NYC workshop in conjunction with CS:NYC. The two day workshop will be held Friday, February 27 and Saturday February 28 at the Center for Social Innovation (601 W. 26th Street, NY, NY). The cost of the workshop will be $350/attendee and will include two days of training, all workshop materials, lunch, and a light breakfast. New York City public school teachers are exempt from this fee. Please fill out a teacher application and ask your administrator to complete a support application by January 31st if you would like to attend.

Great post by Rob Miles - Writing a Program is not a Fight

BTW the Microsoft Stores run events for young people fairly regularly. You may want to check them out for that alone.

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  1. We are in the midst of dead/week/exam week so this comes at the worst possible time -- my programming club wants to 'hoist' the MS/ES events when we return in January. I'd still like to see your summary list of Hour of Code resources.

  2. That should say 'host'!
