Monday, May 25, 2015

Interesting Links 25 May 2015

Memorial Day in the US today. We remember those who died in battle fighting for our country. A somber day in some ways. In other, it makes the unofficial start of summer, it is a bit of a celebration day. I’ll be spending the day with family. I’ll be remembering my father who fought in WW II but lived beyond it. On the upbeat side, I found some interesting things to share with you.

What should a K – 12 CS teacher know? by Garth Flint who updates his thinking on preparation to teach computer science. Visit his blog and see what he has to say. Let him know if you agree or disagree.

Applications for travel grants to the 2015 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing are now open! From Google “University students and industry professionals in the US and Canada who excel in computer science and are passionate about supporting women in tech are welcome to apply.”

Back in the day this would have been called a flatbed printer. We used to use similar devices with different types of pens. Water Color Bot is a flatbed plotter that uses water colors. Interesting idea for sure.

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BBC reveals more details about its free MicroBit micro computer.   I’m still both curious and skeptical. Not being in the UK I don’t expect to be able to get my hands on one. When they are out if anyone has one they don’t want you know who to send it to though. :-)

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Cool Excel tricks I may fit some of these into my curriculum next year. Always more interesting things to do with spreadsheet software. 

Why Technology Will Never Fix Education Commentary at @chronicle  Hint: people are involved.

Free summer workshop on App Inventor for San Francisco Bay Area teachers:  Plus a $1k stipend if you teach it next year!

1 comment:

  1. Garth3:38 PM

    I picture the MicroBit as shift from Lego blocks to the 21st century equivalent. The problem with that is not every kid wanted to play with Legos. Of course it is a bit cheaper than buying every kid an iPad aka LAUSD.
