Tuesday, January 05, 2016

International Blog Delurking Week 2016

OK this is the first I have heard of this but it is a great idea. Comments are a huge thing for bloggers. I get a few comments now and again and they add great value to the conversations. Along with that they let me know people are actually reading what I write. That is encouraging.

So if you seldom (never) leave comments on blogs think about leaving one here and/or on other blogs you follow. Just a ping to show your support.


  1. Had I known of this important event, ...

  2. Sure. You blog in IE 11 doesn't render properly. The background behind the text is the picture making the text very difficult to read. Need to scroll so the text is over the sky to get enough contrast. Usually end up cut and paste to URL to Chrome.

  3. Weird. I'm using Edge and Chrome for my browsers and it looks fine.

  4. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Your blog is enlightening. Thank you for sharing. #deLurking

  5. I've been following you for quite some time, and finally decided to take the plunge into blogging again. My own thoughts will end up being posted at http://dan.schellenbergs.ca, though no guarantees on the frequency of posts...

  6. Great first post Dan. I have added your blog to my CS teacher blog roll at http://blog.acthompson.net/2012/11/computer-science-education-blog-roll.html
