Thursday, February 25, 2016

Computer Science Principles Workshops

A lot of schools are adding the Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles course for next year. That means that a lot of teachers are looking for professional development. I thought I might gather a few links to help people out. Am I missing any? Let me know in the comments and I’ll add more.

Of course the first place most people look is the CollegeBoard web site. They have a search for their AP Summer Institutes. You can search for different courses, dates, and locations. A big list of Computer Science Principles Workshops for this summer is at this link. And there are plenty.

Mobile CSPThere are other options though. For example, There is Mobile CSP. Mobile CSP professional development is being offered at a number of locations this summer.

“The Mobile CSP course uses the visual programming language, App Inventor for Android, to provide a rigorous, programming-based introduction to computer science using a project-based curriculum.  Students learn computer science by building socially useful mobile apps. “

There is BJC or Beauty and Joy of Computing. You can sign up for information about BJC Summer 2016 Teacher Preparation Workshops at this link.

The Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC) is an introductory computer science curriculum developed at the University of California, Berkeley, intended for non-CS majors at the high school junior through undergraduate freshman level. It was one of the five initial pilot programs for the AP CS Principles course being developed by the College Board and the National Science Foundation.

imageThe latest entry into the APCSP curriculum mix is CS50 AP developed at Harvard and modeled after their famous first computer science course. You can apply for CS50 AP Workshops (2016) at this link.

CS50 is Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for students less comfortable and more comfortable alike.
CS50 AP is a free adaptation for high schools that satisfies the new AP CS Principles curriculum framework.

Note that there is information about various AP CS Principles curriculum at Wikipedia. That article doesn’t link to summer professional development but would be useful for someone looking to see what is available for curriculum.


  1. Via Jens Moenig I heard about which too has an overview of courses offered.

  2. Thanks. I have added that link to the main post. It is useful for someone looking for curriculum to adopt.

  3. Montana State University Bozeman MT is doing a summer course for teachers with BJC. It is on-site or I would be there. Also not free.

    Creative Coding through Games and Apps (written by Microsoft) does two day seminars. For beginning programming teachers and/or beginning students it is well worth a look. It is a complete 18 week curriculum. I do not know where to find the schedule but one way to find out is sign into Yammer (Microsoft's for teachers only chat site) and ask the people who actually do the seminars. Join the CCGA Pioneers group to talk to them. This seminar is free to attend. The software and curriculum are free. Free is good.
