Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Better Comments in Visual Studio

Thanks to Channel 9 I found an interesting extension for Visual Studio called Better Comments.

"Better Comments is a Visual Studio extension that gives you the ability to customize the font and opacity of your comments independently of the editor's font settings. It also adds four additional comment classifications, each classification with its own customizable foreground."

What I m thinking is that I will use it two ways. One is to highlight TODO items in starter projects that I supply for students. The different colors and fonts should make things stick out more.

The second way is when I review student's code online. I figure that the question type will make it more apparent with I want to ask questions about their code in their code. When I see code that should be deleted using the cross out comment will be more clear as to why I have commented something out. I'll use the important type to make sure they see specific hints and suggestions.

Anyone else using this or something like it?

1 comment:

  1. I haven't used anything like this, but it inspired me to do some more playing with emacs: http://cestlaz.github.io/posts/better-comments/#.V2sPDR9vGAk

    It also made me think about a couple of things - first, the movement out there to get rid of syntax highlighting altogether and also the fact that editors could start to support things like javadoc markdown or markdown in general in comments.
