Friday, November 02, 2018

Propose a Presentation for the CSTA Annual Conference 2019

CSTA just announced the Call for Proposals. for the CSTA Annual Conference just days after I blogged (Getting Computer Science Teachers To The Next Level ) that people who help others develop as CS teachers. Coincidence? Actually, yes, but who cares. Now Doug Bergman has a very nice blog post about why you should submit a proposal on the CSTA Blog. It’s all good stuff and all true. You know I have to add my two cents though right?

Presenting at a conference like CSTA is a great way to make a contribution to the greater computer science education community. Making a difference is why we teach isn’t it? A conference like CSTA is an opportunity to expand our reach and make a difference beyond the walls of our own school or the boundaries of our own districts.

We all have idea and we all try different things. Some of them work. Some of them don’t work. We learn and go forward regardless. There is a saying that anyone can learn from their own mistakes but the really smart people learn from other people’s mistakes. Conferences are a chance for people to learn from the mistakes of others.

I have known a lot of amazing teachers who say “but I’m not good enough” or “my ideas are nothing special.” Yes, the imposter syndrome is strong in many of us. If something works in your classroom than you have a success story to share. If A project, a role play, a lesson plan, a tool you have made, adapted, or explored has made a difference in your teaching practice you have something to share. Few of us use nothing but canned scripts.

The audience at the CSTA conference is very warm, friendly, and supportive. People are their to learn and share ideas not to be critical of others.  Sure you’ll get questions and you will probably get suggestions as well. A good speaker presents to learn as well as to teach. Presenting at CSTA will make you a better teacher. You’ll get as much (if not more) than you give.

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