Wednesday, January 01, 2020

A 2020 Vision

Sorry. You may be as tired of the 2020 jokes and puns about the new year as I am. I’ll try to avoid them in the future. This is the time of year I look at the last year and think about what I should try to do in the new year. This year is a bit different. I am planning on retiring from the classroom in the spring. I’m not sure exactly how I will be filling my time after that. Part of me wants to find some other type of job. At the least I want to stay current with computer science education and help teachers and student where, when, and how I can. So this blog will continue.

I’m also presenting at this summer’s CSTA Annual Conference. I’m looking forward to that. The conference itself as well as my presentation. Looking at the program, I think I will be looking at different sessions than in the past though. Usually I would focus on sessions that have the most applicability to the courses I would be teaching in the next school year. This time it will be all about my personal interests without concern about specific courses. I have to keep learning.

Monday I go back to school. One more semester of teaching. I’m going to do my best to make it the best year yet. After that? Well, a lot of possibilities. Should be fun.  


  1. Wow - retiring from the classroom - that's big. I've got 3 more years until I'm 55 and can collect my pension so I'm potentially not that far behind (although I plan to stay at Hunter as long as I'm having fun and making progress on my projects).

    Interested in hearing about the exciting post classroom plans but also interested in seeing if and how your perspectives on CS education change. I'd also be interested in hearing about how your perspectives changed going from CS teacher in the precambrian days of K12CS to being on the company side at Microsoft and then back into the classroom for a few years during the big CS push.

  2. Garth1:57 PM

    My wife retired from teaching 3 years ago for medical reasons. She misses it but is having fun being retired. I cannot think of retiring. It is still just too much fun. I am lucky to have a job that I consider my main means of entertainment. I know too many teachers that are just counting down the years to retirement and hating their job on the way. I am 67 and figure I am good for another 10 years. Kids keep my on my toes, math and CS keep my brain working and the job pays the bills. All good stuff.
