Monday, June 16, 2014

Interesting Links 16 June 2014

School is out! Well after lunch today school is over for the year for me and my school. I’ll miss the kids over the summer but I’m ready for a break. I plan to work on my curriculum over the summer though. I’ll be blogging about some of my ideas over the next few days and as the summer goes on. I’m definitely going to make more videos though. See Office Mix and Binary Numbers  for some of how I’ll be doing it.

Let’s start with some news from - 22 states now allow computer science to count, up from 10 when we started in 2013.

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CSTA Annual Conference Reminder – time is getting short. I’ll be there. Hope to see many of you there as well.

14-year-olds find manual online, hack an ATM during their school lunch hour Can you imagine that? You have to hand it to those kids for initiative and for doing the right thing with what they learned. A good topic of conversation for the future.

There was a lot of media excitement last week about a computer passing the Turning Test – fooling people into thinking it was a person. But it turns out No, A 'Supercomputer' Did NOT Pass The Turing Test For The First Time And Everyone Should Know Better Artificial intelligence is another great topic for discussion in class.

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