Thursday, November 21, 2024

Interested in Industry Visitors to Your CS Class?

I get interesting messages from all sorts of places. Recently, I received this message on LinkedIn. I love the idea of bringing industry professionals in to talk to students. If you’re interested, check out their web  page and use their contact form.

  • I’m a software engineer at Microsoft and a volunteer computer science teacher at Kansas State School for the Blind

  • Outside of work, I’m starting a free initiative to bring guest speakers from the tech industry into high school, community college, or university classrooms or clubs to share their experience and do a q&a.

  • It’s called Insight Crew:


Richard White said...

My favorite industry visitors for my CS class are alumni, former students who went on to major in CS, and/or are now working in a CS/technology-related field.
A favorite is the woman who was among the first cohort to graduate from the Naval Academy with a specialty in cyberdefense. The young women in my class listened to her stories and watched her demos with mouths open in amazement.
Former students always have the most credibility with my current students.

Article or content writing said...

Nice post. EDUCATION