Monday, March 16, 2015

Interesting Links 16 March 2015

Last week I was not at SXSWedu. There were not as many tweets about it in my stream as there were from SIGCSE. I still want to go some day though. With progress reports due last week I had more than enough to keep me busy though. I’m sure the same it true for most people. Just a few links this week and two of them to my own posts. I tend not to post on the weekend or late on Friday because those posts tend not to get read. But I was out of control.

The first was about the new (not yet real) BBC Micro Bot. I just had to write about what I was thinking so I did at Is the BBC’s ‘Micro Bot’ the Silver Bullet. The second was about a fundraising teaching CS opportunity for US public schools at Choose to Code With TouchDevelop.

Garth Flint wrote about The value of guest speakers in CS. He’s been having a couple of them come in and talk to his students. Seems like it is working well.

I had no idea there were languages for programming music until I saw this  List of Programming Languages For Music: Did you know about these?

How long do you spend teaching variables? I just spent three weeks. This is an interesting post from Dawn DuPriest @DuPriestMath who is self described as a “Middle School computer science / math teacher and proud geek.”

Will an 'Hour of Code' Change Schools?  is a good commentary but Audrey Watters. @Audreywatters

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