Monday, May 27, 2013

Interesting Links 27 May 2013

Memorial Day in the US today. Today we remember the men and women who have fallen in battle serving their county in the military. My Dad didn’t die in battle though he did serve in the Navy in WW II. He’s in my thoughts today as well. And we’ll probably grill today as well. Traditional Memorial Day food. For now I have some links to share with you.

Ruthe Farmer at NCWIT has been tweeting some links to interesting workshop lately.

More than 500 students from 17 local schools came together in South Seattle to program their first apps at a major hackathon for students. Seems like a great event. They are planning more and larger events in Seattle. I wonder if  this is something that will spread.

Wes Fryer @wfryer Sent a link to a Linkly list of 14 apps & websites for programming on Simulation/Game Most of these I knew about but a few are new and I’ll still checking them out. Lots of these are good for younger students as well.

Via @MindShiftKQED: Why Programming Teaches So Much More Than Technical Skills.

Education Tablets: Look for More Than A Device is a great commentary from  @KenRoyal He points out that software in something important to take into account.

Career Day at Craig Elementary Good read about introducing computer science to 4th graders by Crystal Furman.

Vicki Davis interviewed me for the @BAMRadioNetwork: Why Computer Science is Not Just for Geeks. We had a great conversation on the importance of computer science education.

How These Amazing, Kid-Friendly Languages Are Hooking Tomorrow's Programmers on THE Journal.

Computer science: catch them early a post by Bertrand Meyer on the blog@CACM and Communications of the ACM.

Meet The Statistically Average Computer Science Teacher Results of CSTA annual survey of computer science educators.

The FOCUS interview with Dan Pink by @DonWettrick

Mike Zamansky@zamansky provides an update of his data related CS projects with his HS students at  Real Data - Part II

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