Wednesday, April 01, 2015

CSTA 2015 Board of Directors Elections and Proposed Bylaws Changes

The 2015 CSTA Board of Directors Elections will run from April 2, 2015 to May 4, 2015. In addition to three open positions on the Board, this year's ballot will contain two proposed changes to the CSTA Bylaws. Each CSTA member, including institutional members, should receive an email on April 2 containing a personalized link to the election ballot. This email will originate from, our election service provider, so be sure to look for this email and/or whitelist the sender in your spam filter. If your email address has changed recently, notify with your correct address. 

The three open Board positions in the 2015 election are: 

K-8 Representative (1 position): A classroom teacher who is currently teaching or promoting computer science at the pre-high school level. 

9-12 Representative (1 position): A 9-12 classroom teacher who is currently teaching computer science at the high school level. 

At-Large Representative (1 position): An educator with responsibilities for K-12 CS education. 

The nominees for each of these positions can be viewed here, along with their personal statements and Q&A responses. In addition, members can read nominee blog posts at the CSTA Advocate Blog.

To view the proposed CSTA bylaws changes, including pros and cons, please click here.

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