Some time ago I wrote a post on top CS education people to follow on Twitter. It was very objective as I took the people on my CS Educator Twitter list and ranked them all by Klout score. It was an unsatisfying experience because the people I follow the most, enjoy the most, and learn from the most were not all there. And some of the top people on the list I don’t actually get a lot from. As I was tweeting Follow Friday recommendations today I decided to write a blog post with recommendations that are more personal.
BTW many of these people also show up on my Computer Science Education Blog Roll.
CS Teachers
I will be adding to this over time as I review my retweets and think more about it but these people I follow a lot. When they tweet it is worth reading.@lblanken Laura Blankenship is the Computer Science Coordinator at The Baldwin School – a private girls school. She teaches a wide range of grades. My interview with Laura is at Laura Blankenship)@dougbergmanUSA Doug Bergman is a Computer Science teacher in Charleston, South Carolina. An award winning educator he does a lot of creative and innovative things with his students. (My interview with Doug is at Doug Bergman)@lzulli Lou Zulli teaches computer science at a public school in Florida. His students create applications that are used daily in their school. (My interview with Lou is at Louis Zulli Jr.)@reesegans Patrice Gans teaches at the Univ. of Chicago Lab Schools. She is also the K-8 CS education representative to the CSTA Board of Directors.@gailcarmichael Gail Carmichael is a PhD-student-on-leave researching nonlinear storytelling in games at Carleton University. Currently teaching she has a lot of insights into teaching CS.-
@superCompSci Rebecca Dovi teaches at Patrick Henry High School which is north of Richmond VA. I retweet her links a lot! (I interview Rebecca at Rebecca Dovi) -
@zamansky Mike Zamansky teaches at a top rated public high school in New York City. He’s doing a lot of things in CS education and outreach that go beyond the classroom and even beyond his school. (I interviewed Mike at Mike Zamansky)
Canadian Educators
The education twitterverse sometimes feels like an American echo chamber. These top people in Canada keep my perspective broader than the US.@dougpete If you only follow one educator in Canada Doug Peterson is who you should follow. If you live or teach in Ontario you must follow him. He’s just the most connected education person I have found. And a great guy who shares information broadly.@pbeens Peter Beens teaches CS at Beamsville District Secondary School in a small town in Ontario. Peter takes and shares some great pictures from education events BTW. (My interview with Peter is at Peter Beens )@PeterVogel Peter Vogel is an outstanding Physics and computer teacher in Western Canada. He’s one of the people I have been following longest on Twitter. I've learned a lot from the things he shares on Twitter on a range of education topics.
Others in CS Education
@MrYongpradit Pat Yongpradit is the Director of Education at A former high school CS teacher he shares a lot of good information about what is going on in the area of CS education and activism for expanding CS ed in schools. (My interview with Pat is at Pat Yongpradit )@caitsydney Cait Sydney Pickens is a computer science education researcher currently working on a project in North Carolina to spread more computer science education in that state. (My interview with Cait Sydney is at Cait Sydney Pickens)@lsudol Leigh Ann Sudol-DeLyser is a former high school CS teacher wrapping up a PhD in CS education. She is active with some pioneering schools in New York City as well as other CS outreach activities.
School Administrators
@chrislehmann Chris Lehmann is the Founding Principal of theScience Leadership Academy in Philadelphia PA. A frequent speaker on education and education leadership you may have heard him at ISTE or seen his picture on the cover of ISTE magazine. An outstanding advocate for students he is just a great guy to know.
@NMHS_Principal Eric Sheninger is the Principal of New Milford HS (NJ) He’s a regular speaker about education technology. @ewilliams65 Eric Williams is a Superintendent in Virginia promoting teaching and learning that engages students. He directly sends me interesting links which I appreciate a lot.@principalspage Sometimes serious, sometimes funny – always interesting. Michael Smith is the superintendent of a small school district in Illinois.
Education Technology Reporters
@audreywatters Audrey Watters is a freelance journalist who casts a critical but fair eye on education technology. As independent as they come.@kenroyal Ken Royal edits which is sponsored by Promethean. Well connected with educators and education companies I find a lot of good reads via his twitter feed. Oh and I occasionally write articles he publishes at Connected Learning Today.
Wow! Thanks Alfred for including me in this group.
What about me? @shhsMath
I'm going to have to do a new version of this at some point. No matter how I try I am bound to leave someone out. :-(
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