I’m not in school today. Columbus Day holiday here in the US. A bigger deal is that my grandson stayed over last night. I love being a grandfather. He’s only a year old. Not quite ready to learn to code but when he is I’ll be ready. Now for some links. Some funny, some about jobs, some about news and programs and some about resources. Take a look and I hope you find something useful.
US law declares STEM includes Computer Science. Many, perhaps most, STEM programs don't reflect this. This is big news.
Can I start a coding club? Katie O'Shaughnessey @KTOCompSci starts up an aftert school coding club for middle school students. A gre3at age to g et them started because they don’t “know” coding is supposed to be hard.
6 Youtube Channels For Beginner Raspberry Pi Users - yet another thing I would like to try to find room for in my curriculum.
The TEALS team is looking for people who Want a Job Expanding Computer Science Education.
Dawn DuPriest @DuPriestMath has a great post titled “My girl programming students have been great. Better than the boys!” Why you should never say this. A bunch to think about here. I struggle with trying to make my class comfortable for both boys and girls but I’ve never been a girl myself so I know I miss a lot. The picture below is Dawn’s/ Looks like they are having fun.
NSF is hiring a permanent program director in Computer Science Education. This is big: more funding -> more research -> better teaching.
I had not heard of the Allen Distinguished Educators program Allen Educators
@AllenEducators Until they tweeted - Teachers: We need you to Inspire, Enable & Empower. Apply to be one of the next Allen Distinguished Educators Check it out. There is money involved.
The Allen Distinguished Educators (ADE) Award honors K-12 teachers who create innovative, student-directed programs focused on computer science, engineering and/or entrepreneurship skills.
What we can do to unblock the bottleneck [shortage of CS teachers]: Incentivize CS teachers, grow more pre-service CS teacher ed by Mark Guzdial at @blogCACM
The Try Guys Try Coding With Girls Who Code – this is kind of funny. Though I am still not 100% sure what to make of it.
Speaking of funny. I’ve seen this before but I’m not sure I have shared it here. Recognize you or any of your students here?
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