I’m writing this post from a hotel in Chicago. I’m here for some meetings which I’ll be sure to blog about later. I left my power cord home so this may be a short post though. The trials of travel. I’ll start with a couple of Twitter chats.
How can we create PreK-16 learning continuum in #compsci & #csed? Join @CS10K & @codeorg for #cs10k Twitter chat on 10/26 (TONIGHT) from 9-10pm ET. I’ll be on a plane. May have to buy wi-fi if available.
#CSK8 chat Wed Oct 28 8pm ET
Topic:Connecting coding in K-8 to the real world.
Engage students using a variety of projects – run with the CSTA K-8 Task Force helping.
The battle for computer science's future in the classroom via @dailydot
The Five Knows of Programming another great post about teaching and learning computer science by Rob Miles @RobMIles
Todd Lash @Todd_Lash Shared this helpful image on a tweet.
Great watching @MrsLienhardt generate strategies with her students for getting unstuck while coding. #csk8
Wonder Workshop
@WonderWorkshop THe makers of the Dot and Dash robots tell me that the wonder league Robotics Competition is the 1st competitive robotics event for kids as young as 6. http://competition.makewonder.com It looks interesting if you are using robots with young students.
The real reason U.S. students lag behind in computer science via @FortuneMagazine Area with them or not?
Chalkbeat: Yes, any teacher can help the city spread computer science. No, not any training will do By Eric Allatta who is a math and science teacher at the Academy for Software Engineering, an unscreened public high school in Manhattan, where he is also an AP Computer Science Principles pilot instructor.
Curious? Take a peek at SIGCSE preliminary program. It's posted on the website: http://sigcse2016.sigcse.org This is my favorite Computer Science Education conference after the CSTA conference. I haven’t made it for a while but I want to try this year.
Disrupting the Gender Gap in Computer Science on the CSTA (@csteachersa) blog by @lblanken laura Blankenship
Assumptions and Best Intentions: Curriculum is not the biggest problem in computer science education Post by Leigh Ann DeLyser @lsudol (Pictured below)
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