Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Crowdsourcing Tech Terms for Students

Peter Vogel has been creating a list of tech terms for his ICT students for more than 20 years.  He edits and updates the list just before school starts for him in Vancouver BC Canada. .He discards terms no longer in the vernacular or no longer widely used, and tries to bring in as many new terms as he can reasonably fit. He runs a similar but much shorter list for his grade 11 students. It’s a very good list but he is looking for suggestions to make it better.

Here are 4 pages he has so far. Add any interesting terms to bottom of the list (which is presently alphabetized). The snippet below may say 2015-16 but the document shows the correct date range.

Again, if you wish to add a term, do so in the area at the bottom of the Google Doc.

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