Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Visual Basic Gangnam Style!

Last week I was browsing though my RSS feeds and came across a post called Python Gangnam Style! that was all about playing music with Python. Now Python is a fine language but at heart I am a Visual Basic person. Clearly converting the program to Visual basic was a must do. It turns out to be pretty easy as you might expect. My version is below (it plays in response to a button click)

I’m sure there are other ways to do this by the way. I took the path of least resistance. I think that making music is something that many students do enjoy. This sort of project involves music, and physics as well as computer science. So it gives you a lot of things to talk about and allows you to tie different disciplines together as tends to happen in the so-called real world.

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices


Public Class Form1

    <DllImport("Kernel32.dll")> _

    Public Shared Function Beep(dwFreq As Int32, _

                                dwDuration As Int32) As Boolean

    End Function



    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _

                Handles Button1.Click

        Beep(293, 200)  ' D

        Beep(293, 200)  ' D

        Beep(293, 200)  ' D

        Beep(293, 600)  ' D

        Beep(246, 600)  ' B




        Beep(369, 200) ' F#

        Beep(369, 200) ' F#

        Beep(369, 200) ' F#

        Beep(369, 600) ' F#

        Beep(329, 600) ' E




        Beep(329, 200)  ' E

        Beep(329, 200)  ' E

        Beep(329, 200)  ' E

        Beep(369, 500)  ' F#




        Beep(369, 200)  ' F#

        Beep(369, 200)  ' F#

        Beep(369, 200)  ' F#

        Beep(369, 600)  ' F#



        Beep(369, 200)  ' F#

        Beep(369, 200)  ' F#

        Beep(369, 200)  ' F#


        For i = 1 To 4

            Beep(369, 200)  ' F#




        For i = 1 To 4

            Beep(369, 100)  ' F#



            Beep(369, 600)  ' F#




    End Sub

End Class

BTW if you are as musically challenged as I am, you can visit this full list of the hertz frequencies to get the other octaves for higher and lower notes. I confess that page doesn’t mean all that much to me but I’d imagine it does to the more musical among us.

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